Josep is a French, Belgian and Spanish animated film directed by Aurel released in 2020. This film tells the story of the life of the cartoonist and politician Josep Bartolí during the Spanish Civil War and the Second World War and his relationship with the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.
I had the chance to work on the film’s set, especially in colour. I mainly worked on the « realistic » sequences of the film.
Director : Aurel
Awards (in french) :
Festival d’Annecy 2019 : Prix Fondation Gan à la diffusion
Festival international du film d’Athènes en 2020 : Athéna du meilleur scénario pour Jean-Louis Milesi et prix du public.
Festival Internacional de Cine de Guadalajara 2020 : Prix du meilleur film d’animation international.
SEMINCI Valladolid 2020 : Prix du meilleur réalisateur (exæquo) pour Aurel